Here is the model layout of the exclusive 'In Toon' Productions' Alternate Comicverse comic book. The cover and *title splash page vary with each set. These slider samples show that certain page elements refer directly to the chosen Comicverse set. The story introduces "The Tremendous Trio". A super team made up of Intoonman, Intoongirl, and The Fox From ITP. They are the Titanic Toonsters who access the Comicverse to retrieve the unheard-of sets. The Fox narrates the origin tale revolving around a nefarious villain from outer space bent on defeating Intoonman and Intoongirl - "The Terrific Twosome" - and controlling or destroying the Alternate Comicverse!
*A title splash page is a single panel intro page to the first story of a comic book.
View Golden Age
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