Title Splash Page to Three-Dimension Event Tours No. 2, 1953 (December). A title splash page is a single-panel intro page to the first story of a comic book. It was hand-produced on the comic book industry 11 x 17 illustration board and finished in the standard camera-ready process. The production incorporates pen-and-ink work, archival pigment printing, and physical cut-and-paste headings and text.
Three-Dimension Adventures was a 1953 DC Comics (National Comics) one-shot magazine. DC joined the 3-D fad with this issue featuring Superman stories. It's too bad they didn't do a follow-up book featuring some characters from their stable of Comic Cavalcade funny animal stars. Well, fear not cuz our National Comics Publications, Inc. parody company, "3Dforall Comics Operations, Blink," "Three-Dimension Event Tours,” featuring the “Comic Escapades” gang, makes up for that oversight! The exclusive book's title splash page graphic is a reduced anaglyph (red and cyan) 3-D version of the line art (3-D glasses included). The rest of the comic contains a "Tremendous Trio" origin story chronicling the creation of the Three-Dimension Adventures Alternate Comicverse set, plus our parodies of classic comic book ads and features. Please see The Book page for comic contents info.
Our Three-Dimension Alternate Comicverse card is No. 10 of a fictional series of 36 cards found in packages of our Carnation Corn Flakes & Albers Oats parody companies, "Tarnation Worn Brakes & Allburs Coats." It is an anaglyph 3-D card based on the 1954 Walter Lantz "How to Draw" series.
A 10 x 14 enlarged version of the 3-D anaglyph title splash page.
(Price show is in Canadian funds. $199.00 CAD equals approximately $140.00 USD)